Download our actual special offers
Download our actual price list
Gran Papir Ltd. is keeping stocks and selling certain products from its warehouse.
We have our logistic center in 2046 Törökbálint Depo
Our warehouse is open every working days from 7.00 a.m. - till 15.30 pm.
Customers can buy any of our products from the stock minimum 1 palette quantity.
We are providing door to door delivery all over Hungary in case the quantity reaches minimum 3 palettes quantity.
Lead time for shipments from warehouse is 48 - 72 hours after date of order.
Average distribution cost is cca. 12.500,-ft/palette+VAT
Please find enclosed our product/price list.
From the list prices we can provide discounts depending on quantity.
In case of demands over 5 tons or more we can give you special offers.
Please contact our sales managers !
In case of any request for information or orders please call our sales assistants at:
mobile phone +36-30-598-17-38
office phone +36-33-428-131
For registered customers orders can be sent online via this website too. (this sevice is under construction yet, sorry)